Vita - Catalogues and Artbooks
- Pictures of human beings - Gallery of the Art-Foundation, Karlsruhe, Germany
- Homage to Karl Hubbuch - Gallery in the Amtshaus, Kraichtal-Oberöwisheim, Germany
- Situation of art and being an artist today - European Culture Festival in the city of Karlsruhe National Association of Plastic Artists,
- Karlsruhe, Germany
- 1789-1989-the bicentenary of the French Revolution - Gallery of the Art-Foundation, Karlsruhe, Germany
- Summer studio- young art in Europe - halls of the Hannover Fair, Hannover, Germany
- Industry-Farmers-Future - an exhibition on the occasion of the 20 th anniversary of the town of Kraichtal-Oberöwisheim, Germany
- Germany, old structures-a new consciousness? - National Association of Plastic Artists, Karlsruhe and the Unions of Artists of the towns
- of Chemnitz, Leipzig and Halle, Germany
- Art in Karlsruhe - Gallery Marktschlößchen, Halle on the Saale/Germany
- Art at municipal buildings in Baden-Württemberg 1980-1995 - Ministry of Finance, Baden-Württemberg / Germany
- 125 years of the BBK in Karlsruhe-20 years of the artists’ centre-125 years of the ArtistsAssociation - BBK, Karlsruhe/Germany
- Hans Benesch, works of art 1991-2002 - Markgräfler Museum Müllheim, Germany
- Kürschner's artist handbook - of Germany, Austria and Switzerland
- Markgräflerland-Künstlerland - art book, Art + Weise Verlag, Germany
- Novum - world of graphic design 9/200, Germany
- Feme, Feuer, Fanatismus - Mohr-Villa, Munich, Germany
- Artists for Staufen - Stiftung zur Erhaltung der historischen Altstadt Staufen, Germany
- Hans Benesch Fotoarbeiten 1968-2012 - Galerei im badischen kunstforum, Germany
- Catalogue ART Salzburg 2017 - Exhibition Hall Salzburg, Austria
- Catalogue 21. Intersalon 2017 - Galerie Marianska, Budějovice, Czechia Republic
- Catalogue 22. Intersalon 2018 - Galerie Marianska, Budějovice, Czechia Republic
- Catalogue 23. Intersalon 2019 - Galerie Marianska, Budějovice, Czechia Republic
- Catalogue 24. Intersalon 2020 - Galerie Práchen-Museum 2020, Písek, Czechia Republic
- Catalogue 25. Intersalon 2021 - Muzea fotografie a moderních obrazovy´ch médií, Jindřichově Hradci (Museum of Photography and -
- Modern Visual Media), Czechia Republic
- Catalogue 26. Intersalon 2022 - Classicist Castle Dobrohoř, Staré město pod Landštejnem, Czechia Republic
- Catalogue 27. Intersalon 2023 - Classicist Castle Dobrohoř, Staré město pod Landštejnem, Czechia Republic
- Catalogue 28. Intersalon 2024 - Muzea fotografie a moderních obrazovy´ch médií, Jindřichově Hradci (Museum of Photography and
- Modern Visual Media), Czechia Republic

Pictures Vita Contact Start German Impressum