Vita - Single Exhibitions (se) and Participation in Exhibitions (pe)
- Art Centre Baden, Karlsruhe, Germany (pe)
- Art Centre Württemberg, Stuttgart, Germany (pe)
1973 - Art Centre Baden, Karlsruhe, Germany (pe)
1978 - Drawings and collages - savings-bank Elztal, Waldkirch, Germany (se)
1984 - Graphic arts, paintings and photography - Zehntscheuer, Teningen, Germany (se)
- Pictures of human beings - Gallery of the Art-Foundation, Karlsruhe, Germany (pe)
- Paintings in distemper and acrylic - savings-bank Staufen, Germany (se)
- Paintings in distemper and acrylic - Workshop-Gallery, Neckarsulm, Germany (se)
- Pictures of human beings - Municipal Gallery, Wendlingen, Germany (pe)
- Art Market - Karlsruhe, Germany (pe)
- New paintings - Gallery Dandy, Endingen, Germany (se)
- The alter ego - Gallery Rombach-Scheuer , Staufen, Germany (se)
- Conditions - Art Centre Tauberbischofsheim, Germany (se)
- Homage an Karl Hubbuch - Gallery in the Amtshaus, Kraichtal-Oberöwisheim, Germany (pe)
- Interior spaces - Gallery of the Art-Foundation, Karlsruhe, Germany (pe)
- Ways to new images - art competition of the savings-bank Karlsruhe, Germany (pe)
- A breakfast in the open air doesn't take place - National Association of Plastic Artists, Karlsruhe, Germany (pe)
- Benesch and Bursian - National Association of Plastic Artists, Gallery of the Art-Foundation, Karlsruhe, Germany (se)
- Visual thoughts - Kurhaus Bad Bellingen, Germany (se)
- Art Centre Baden, Karlsruhe, Germany (pe)
- From the idea to the result - Gallery of the Art-Foundation, Karlsruhe, Germany (pe)
- Omens, brands, badges, and other signs of the time - Municipal Gallery, Wendlingen, Germany (pe)
- Situation of art and being an artist today - European Culture Festival, Karlsruhe, Germany (pe)
- From realism to visual thoughts - town hall of Gernsbach, Germany (se)
- Exhibition of works of art - community of Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen, Germany (pe)
- Indications and omens - National Association of Plastic Artists, Karlsruhe, Germany (pe)
- Photography in the artistic process - National Association of Plastic Artists, Karlsruhe, Germany (pe)
- The bicentenary of the French Revolution - National Association of Plastic Artists, Karlsruhe, Germany (pe)
- Visual thoughts - Goethe-Institute, Staufen, Germany (se)
- Visual thoughts and signs - Gallery in the Theatre -die Insel- , Karlsruhe, Germany (se)
- The bicentenary of the French Revolution - Adult College, Neckarsulm, Germany (pe)
- Ten years Künstlerhaus - Gallery of the Art-Foundation, Karlsruhe, Germany (pe)
- Focal points '89 - Wilhelm-Dröscher-Haus, Kirn, Germany (pe)
- Works on and of paper - National Association of Plastic Artists, Karlsruhe, Germany (pe)
- Summer studio - young art in Europe - halls of the Hannover Fair, Hannover, Germany (pe)
- End of the century - change of the century - town hall of the town of Gernsbach, Germany (pe)
- End of the century - change of the century - Gallery of the Art-Foundation, Karlsruhe, Germany (pe)
- Industry-farmers-future - Gallery in the Amtshaus, Kraichtal-Oberöwisheim, Germany (pe)
- Visual signs and video-installations - Municipal Gallery, Emmendingen, Germany (se)
- Germany, old structures-a new consciousness? - National Association of Plastic Artists, Karlsruhe and the unions of artists of Chemnitz,
- Leipzig and Halle on the occasion of the European Culture Days in Karlsruhe, Germany (pe)
- The woman - Gallery of the Art-Foundation, Karlsruhe, Germany (pe)
- Painting 1991 - exhibition of the administrative district "Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald" in the Faust-high school in Staufen, Germany (pe)
- New pictures - Gallery of the Art-Foundation of the National Association of Plastic Artists, Karlsruhe, Germany (pe)
1991 - Visual signs - Gallery Tullagasse, Breisach, Germany (se)
- Experience - Jewish synagogue, Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany(se)
- Visual symbols and luxographies - Picture-Gallery of the Augustinermuseum, Freiburg i.Br., Germany (se)
- The big format - Gallery of the Art-Foundation, Karlsruhe, Germany (pe)
- Art in Karlsruhe - Marktschlößchen Gallery, Halle/Saale, Germany (pe)
- Artists of the National Association of Plastic Artists in Karlsruhe - Gallery of the Art-Foundation, Karlsruhe, Germany (pe)
- New paintings - Gallery Ambiente, Gelnhausen near Frankfurt/Main, Germany (se)
- Hans Benesch - pictures, luxographies and installations - Swansea Arts Workshop Gallery, Swansea, Great Britain (se)
- A selection of paintings from the exhibition in Great Britain in 1992 - Gallery Bassler, Freiburg/Breisgau, Germany (se)
- Members of the Art Centre present their works of art - Art Centre Württemberg, Stuttgart, Germany (pe)
- Exhibition in favour of - Amnesty International - Gallery of the Art-Foundation, Karlsruhe, Germany (pe)
- Kunscht-herbscht in Neustadt - Klösterle Gallery, Titisee-Neustadt, Germany (pe)
- Printing art today - printed graphic arts from Saxony and Baden-Württemberg in the factory inspectorate of Baden-Württemberg,
- Karlsruhe, Germany (pe)
- Annual art exhibition - Gallery of the National Association of Visual Artists, Karlsruhe, Germany (pe)
- Printing art today - Gallery in the Centre of Cultural Life, Alte Hauptfeuerwache, Mannheim, Germany (pe)
- Visual signs - Municipal Gallery - Fauler Pelz - , Überlingen on Lake Constance, Germany (se)
- Printing art today - New Saxon Gallery, Kasberg, Chemnitz, Germany (pe)
- Printing art today - gallery in the town hall, Bruchsal, Germany (pe)
- Printing art today - foyer of the opera in Halle/Saale, Germany (pe)
- Printing art today - town hall of Gernsbach, Germany (pe)
- Annual survey 94-on the occasion of the 120 th anniversary of the National Association of Plastic -Artists and the 15 th anniversary of
- the Gallery of the Art-Foundation, Karlsruhe, Germany (pe)
- War-violence-destruction - gallery in the town hall, Bruchsal, Germany (pe)
- Yellow-red - Gallery of the Art-Foundation of the National Assosiation of Plastic Artists, Karlsruhe, Germany (pe)
- Amnesty International - Gallery of the Art-Foundation, Karlsruhe, Germany (pe)
- Members' art exhibition - Gallery of the Art-Foundation of the National Association of Plastic Artists, Karlsruhe, Germany (pe)
- Artists for Human Rights - Gallery Mehlwaage, Freiburg/Breisgau, Germany (pe)
- Thoughts - Castle Museum, Ettlingen, Germany (se)
- Visual thoughts - town hall of Schönberg, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany (se)
- Visual thoughts - Gallery Fondermann, Kirchnüchel, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany (se)
- Visual thoughts - Municipal Gallery, Lahr, Germany (se)
- Pencil pure - Gallery of the Art-Foundation, Karlsruhe, Germany (pe)
- Time thoughts - gallery in the town hall, Bruchsal, Germany (se)
- Revolution xs - Gallery of the Art-Foundation of the National Association of Plastic Artists, Karlsruhe, Germany (pe)
- Revolution xs - art centre Neckar-Odenwald, Mosbach, Germany (pe)
- Annual survey of the National Association of Plastic Artists -Gallery of the Art-Foundation, Karlsruhe, Germany (pe)
- Revolution xs - Gallery in the Atrium, Hamburg, Germany (pe)
- Revolution xs - county department, Sigmaringen, Germany (pe)
- Without title-with writing - an art exhibition on the occasion of the literature-days in Baden-Württemberg, Castle Museum, Ettlingen,
- Germany (pe)
- Scene of action karlsruhe - 125 years of the National Association of Plastic Artists, Karlsruhe, Germany (pe)
- Picture word - word picture - organ factory, Durlach, Germany (pe)
2000 - Fat pictures - Gallery of the Art-Foundation, Karlsruhe, Germany (pe)
- Members' art exhibition - Art Centre Baden, Karlsruhe, Germany (pe)
2001 - A thousand ideas - within the nationwide campaign “contemporaneous” under the patronage of Secretary
- of State Prof. Dr. Julian Nida Rümelin, BBK, Karlsruhe, Germany (pe)
- Photographic thoughts and photo sketches from 1968-2001 - municipal museum “Markgrafenschloss” -Emmendingen, Germany (se)
- Amnesty International - Gallery of the Art-Foundation, Karlsruhe, Germany (pe)
2002 - The big and the small - organ factory, Durlach, Germany (pe)
- In town - Gallery of the Art-Foundation, Karlsruhe, Germany (pe)
- Members' art exhibition - BBK, Karlsruhe, Germany (pe)
2003 - Highligts - 10 years "gallery town hall", Bruchsal, Germany (pe)
- Hans Benesch, works of art 1991-2002 - Markgräfler Museum Müllheim, Germany (se)
- Visual thoughts - lege artis, Art in the County Court, Freiburg/Breisgau, Germany (se)
- Hans Benesch - Gallery Altes Rathaus, Inzlingen, Germany (se)
2004 - Photography - 22nd exhibition of the Landkreis Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald / Landratsamt Freiburg, Germany (pe)
- Sichten - Gallery Alpirsbach, Germany (se)
- Bildgedanken - photos by the painter Hans Benesch - head office of the Volksbank Rems, Waiblingen, Germany (se)
- Kaufrausch-Kunstkauf-Kaufkunst - Gallery Schlossberg, Freiburg/Breisgau, Germany (pe)
2005 - Exhibition in favour of Amnesty International - Gallery of the Art-Foundation, Karlsruhe, Germany (pe)
- Markgräflerland-Künstlerland - municipal gallery Weil am Rhein, Germany (pe)
- Photography II - 23rd exhibition of the Landkreis Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald, Landratsamt Freiburg, Germany (pe)
2006 - Auf ins neue jahr - Gallery of the Art-Foundation, Karlsruhe, Germany (pe)
- Kunstpreis 2006- die Zukunft als bildnerische Vision - Kunstpreisausstellung, savings-bank Karlsruhe, German (pe)
- 27th Blumberger art exhibition - gallery in the town hall of Blumberg, Germany (pe)
- Photography III - 24th exhibition of the Landkreis Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald, Landratsamt Freiburg, Germany (pe)
- Annual survey of the National Association of Plastic Artists - Gallery of the Art-Foundation,-Karlsruhe, Germany (pe)
- 160 years "Altes Rathaus" - Gallery Altes Rathaus, Inzlingen, Germany (pe)
2007 - Annual survey of the National Association of Plastic Artists - Gallery of the Art-Foundation, Karlsruhe, Germany (pe)
2008 - Feme, Feuer, Fanatismus, Mohr-Villa, Munich, Germany (pe)
2009 - Annual survey of the national Association of Plastic Artists - Gallery of the Art-Foundation,-Karlsruhe, Germany (pe)
2010 - Annual survey of the National Association of Plastic Artists - Gallery of the Art-Foundation,-Karlsruhe, Germany (pe)
- Abseits - badisches-kunstforum, Ebringen, Germany (se)
2011 - Kunst im Amtshaus –, Town of Kraichtal, Germany (pe)
- Hans Benesch -– Traces -, paintings and collages, Art Centre Horb, Horb/Neckar. Germany (se)
- Annual survey of the National Association of Plastic Artists - Gallery of the Art-Foundation,-Karlsruhe, Germany (pe)
2012 - Hans Benesch – Photography 1968 - 2012, badisches kunstforum (se)
2013 - Zwanzig13 - National Association of Plastic Artists, Karlsruhe, Germany (pe)
- 40jähriges Bestehen des Landkreises - exhibition of the Landkreis Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald,- Landratsamt, Germany (pe)
- Kunst in den Gewölben 2013 - Kunstverein, Germersheim, Germany (pe)
- Modern Photografy - Städtische Sammlung Emmendingen, Germany (pe)
2014 - prints and drawings, Kunstverein Halle e.V., Oper Halle/Saale, Germany (pe)
- Bildgedanken - badisches-kunstforum, Ebringen, Germany (se)
- Bildgedanken - Galerie Artraum, Freiburg i.Br., Germany (se)
2015 - Hommage à Karlsruhe - Regierungspräsidium Karlsruhe, Germany (pe)
- Format: Klein - National Association of Plastic Artists, Karlsruhe, Germany (pe)
2016 - Übermalungen - WERKKUNSTGALERIE, Berlin, Germany (se)
- Wanderungen - im Rahmen der Europäischen Kulturtage, Karlsruhe, Germany (pe)
- Blicke - Museum im Markgrafenschloss, Emmendingen, Germany (se)
- Sommer 2016 - National Association of Plastic Artists, Karlsruhe, Germany (pe)
- ART-Stuttgart - Hanns-Martin-Schleyer-Halle, Stuttgart (presented by WERKKUNSTGALERIE, Berlin), Germany
2017 - Wachstum - National Association of Plastic Artists, Karlsruhe, Germany (pe)
- ART Salzburg 2017 - Exhibition Hall Salzburg, Austria (presented by WERKKUNSTGALERIE, Berlin), Germany
- 1x1 - 21. Intersalon, Galerie Mariánská, Budějovice, Czechia Republic, (pe)
2018 - Übermalungen - Hans Benesch, - Skulpturen - Werner Ewers, Badisches-Kunstforum, Ebringen, Germany, (se)
- in motion - Künstlerhaus-Galerie, Karlsruhe, Germany, (pe)
- 50x50 - 22. Intersalon, Galerie Mariánská, Budějovice, Czechia Republic, (pe)
- Artists of Nancy and Members of the BBK - Künstlerhaus Karlsruhe, Germany, (pe)
- Luxographien - Hans Benesch, -Lichtobjekte - Claus Schneidereit, Badisches-Kunstforum, Ebringen, Germany, (se)
2019 - Meine Freiheit - Deine Freiheit - Amnesty International, Karlsruhe, Germany, (pe)
- 40 Years Arthouse - Karlsruhe, Germany, (pe)
- ROTO-MOTO - 23. Intersalon, Galerie Mariánská, Budějovice, Czech Republic, (pe)
- Marziart Internationale Galerie, Hamburg, Germany, (pe)
2020 - In new times - Künstlerhaus-Galerie Karlsruhe, Germany (pe)
- TIME - 24. Intersalon, Galerie Práchen-Museum, Písek, (Galerie Práchenského muzea v Písku), Czech Republic, (pe)
- visual thoughts-thoughtful imagery - Municipal Galerie Dolní Brána, Prachatice, Czech Republic, (se)
2021 - Hope moves - Amnesty International, Karlsruhe, (pe)
- IN THE MOMENT - 25. Intersalon, Muzea fotografie a moderních obrazovy´ch médií, Jindřichově Hradec
(Museum of Photography and Modern Visual Media), Czech Republic, (pe)
2022 - Members` Exibition - , Galerie des BBK Karlsruhe, Germany, (pe)
- Photo overpainting -, badisches kunstforum, Ebringen, (se)
- BOUNDARIES - 26. Intersalon, Classicist Castle Dobrohoř, Staré město pod Landštejnem, Czech Republic, (pe)
- Drawing focused - , Künstlerhaus-Galerie, Karlsruhe (pe)
2023 - Group Exhibition - im BBK Künstlerhaus, Karlsruhe (pe)
- NO LIMITS - 27. Intersalon, Classicist Castle Dobrohoř, Staré město pod Landštejnem, Czech Republic, (pe)
2024 - Group Exhibition - Künstlerhaus-Galerie, Karlsruhe (pe)
- ART IN MOTION - 28. Intersalon, Muzea fotografie a moderních obrazovy´ch médií, Jindřichově Hradec
(Museum of Photography and Modern Visual Media), Czech Republic, (pe)

Pictures Vita Contact Start German Impressum